Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Freeze, Flight or Fight. What do people do?

Tuesday 7 March

We are continuing to set the scene for our novel study... Still, yet to be revealed.
We are looking at how people react when disaster strikes, and what our reaction is when we are confronted with a major event.
To help us  understand how people think, feel and act during times of disaster we are going to look at some film footage of the Christchurch earthquakes.

LI: We are learning about the human reactions of Freeze, Flight or Fight during a disaster.

Your Ideas and thoughts on the padlet.          Padlet

SC: I can watch the film footage with respect and identify ways in which people react.
SC: I can contribute my opinions to the class discussions
SC: I can read and respond to questions about the review.
SC: I can offer my ideas to the group about ways to respond and actively participate.

The Real Samoan Hero

We are then going to read the review of the documentary,'When a City Falls' and discuss the connection between the places mentioned and the directors quotes.

Movie Review

Responding your groups choice.

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