Sunday, July 23, 2017

Making a Difference

Monday 24 July's Learning

Welcome back everyone, I hope you have had an enjoyable and restful break.
This week we are going to continue with our first text, Tomorrow  'When The War Began'  by John Marsden  for our  Connections Unit.
We will revise our expectations and routines for working together productively as a group.
We are also going to take some time this week to individually conference with me about your Term 2 assessments, look at your next steps for your learning and individually set some goals around those steps.

LI: In today's lesson we are going to begin to explore  our own thinking around the big idea of 'making a difference'.

SC: I can contribute to group discussions identifying what is meant by 'making a difference.'
SC: I can reflect on my own experiences with this concept.
SC: I can respond in a thoughtful manner, using the paragraph structure.
Sc: I can proof read and edit my work to make sure the sentence construction,  spelling and punctuation is accurate.

Lesson Sequence. 

Welcome back,
Goals and expectations.
Free Writing
Class reading 
Individual Activity 
Student Dashboard for the work

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