Saturday, April 29, 2017

Term Two. Catch- Up, Goals, and Chapter 3 - The Road to Winter

Sunday 30 April.

Monday 1 May 

Welcome, we'll spend some time this morning at the start of P2  catching up, and setting expectations for the learning environment.  I'd like you to think about a person who you can work with this term on a series of partner based activities, marking and sharing  feedback. We will discuss this further and you will have an introductory activity to work on together.

I have smart shared this document through Hapara with you. You will find it in your English folder.
The document is called Grammar- Parts of speech: basic skills. You and your partner will work together to both complete the task. You will then both work together to complete the quick peer review part.

I'd like to revise  the notes that you have all made for Chapter 3   for The Road to Winter. We will also plan and allocate time for those of you who are up to making your 14 quick quiz questions. All good skills in re-reading and looking for specific evidence.

We will then look at some wider areas that this chapter about Roses's background raises which you and your partner will investigate.

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