Sunday, May 28, 2017

The Ocean and The Essay.

Monday 29 May's learning 

Today we are going to look further at our notes on setting, and develop in more depth, the ideas about the importance of the ocean in the novel.

These notes will form the basis of your essay.

LI: We are learning to write an essay following a set structure for formal writing.

SC: I have developed my ideas, and have supporting evidence and detail in my  writing.
SC: I can use the set essay structure.
SC: I can make choices about my sentence structure and vocabulary choices to make my writing interesting.
SC:I can proof-read and edit my work.

All of this work and the note resource can be found in Hapara.

Click here for the link to Hapara and your essay topic

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Exploring The Importance of Setting in the Novel: The Road to Winter.

Tuesday 23 May

Wednesday 24 May's  Learning.

Today we are going to begin to map out the range of settings in the novel 'The Road to Winter'. The physical landscape, the sea, the river, as well as the flora and fauna and the weather are an essential part of the novel. The interactions between humans and their surroundings add to the power of the story.

LI: We are learning to identify and describe the range of settings  in the novel, and explain how they impact on the characters and the events in the novel.

SC: I can identify the different settings and add detail to my descriptions.
SC: I can identify a quote that supports my descriptions for each of the important settings in the novel
SC: I can explain the impact of the setting on the main characters and events in the novel.

Working with your partner, you will both create a Coggle, where you will begin to map out all the main places and aspects of setting that make up the novel.

You will add supporting detail, page numbers, quotes and detail about how this setting impacts on the characters and events in the novel.

Be prepared to skim and scan through the book to build up a detailed Coggle.

We will start with Angowrie, where Finn lives, the river mouth, the ocean,  Longely, Ray's place.

Each of these places is really important in the novel and Finn knows them well. We will be developing our understanding of how the setting contributes to the survival of Rose, Finn, Willow and Kas.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Chapter 4: What the Wilders are really like.

Tuesday 16 May

 Wednesday 17 May.

In today's lesson we are going to start off with  writing a quick paragraph explaining what made  Rose say this, " I did some things I'm not proud of" (P 47)

You will need to re-read and look at the description of the compound, and look at the events that happened on P 55 through to P 56. 
This clearly gives the reader an understanding about how dangerous the Wilders really are.

This is about identifying specific detail in the text to support what you are saying.

You will need to use the SEX-Y paragraph structure in your written answer.
This work should be in your Novel Study Folder.

Then we are going to complete the summary notes for Chapter 6 of the novel.

LI: We are learning to develop brief notes using the chapter summary guide.

SC: I can re-read to find detail to add to my notes.
SC: I can contribute my ideas to the class discussions and note taking.
SC: I can identify a significant quote that I can explain in each chapter.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Finishing the Novel

Monday 15 May

Awesome work everyone, and what an exciting finish to 'The Road to Winter'. I am sure we will all be waiting for the sequel to find out what happens to Finn, Kas, and Willow...

Today we are going to begin to complete our chapter summaries, and work to build up a character profile of the main characters in the novel. This work will take most of this week to complete.
We will also begin to explore some of the themes that are easily identifies in this great novel.

LI: We are learning to develop brief notes using the chapter summary guide.

SC: I can re-read to find detail to add to my notes.
SC: I can contribute my ideas to the class discussions and note taking.
SC: I can identify a significant quote that I can explain in each chapter.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Asylum Seekers: A Controversial Issue

Wednesday 10 May

In today's lesson we are going to review and discuss your background research into the asylum seeker issue.

We are then going to look at a BBC article that poses the question about Australian Asylum, and why it is controversial.

You will continue to work with the same partner and the goal is to help each other complete the work, and build up your understanding of this issue which is explored in a different way in the novel 'The Road to Winter'

This work is in hapara, click on the link below to go straight to this work.

Hapara: BBC Article Reading Work and Questions

We are then going to continue reading the novel.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Key Terms: Definitions from Rose's Story. Chapter 3.

Sunday May 7.

Monday 8 May's Lesson

Do Now Activity.

Answer the following questions in a brief paragraph.
They are all focused on Chapter 3, so go back and skim read.

What do Finn and Rose have in common?
How is Rose's attachment to Kas made clear?
How do you know that Beth really thought of Kas and Rose as her girls?

Today we are going to investigate some of the key terms  that Rose's story in Chapter raises.

You will have an opportunity to work with your partner to research using the internet what these terms mean, as the novel is set in Australia, we are going to limit our investigation of these issues to Australia.

LI:We are learning to explore and investigate the key issues raised in Rose's story, chapter 3.

SC: I can work with my partner to research and select an appropriate text  that we can read and understand.
SC: I can write a brief summary about the key issues.

These are the questions we are going to research to broaden our knowledge about this issue

What is a refugee?
What causes people to become refugees?
What  are asylum seekers?
What is a detention center?
What is an off shore camp?

The book is set in Australia, see if you can found out about these issues in this country.
What are they dealing with?

Evaluation from Friday's lesson and partner work.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Working on Rose's Story- Chapter Three

Friday 5 May.

Today we are going to be working in the library.
You have two tasks that must be completed before you head to change your books and read.

LI: We are learning to explore and investigate some of the wider issues in Chapter three.

SC: I can use the internet and select a relevant text that gives me specific information about key issues.

SC: I can write a brief summary, that has the main points and some examples.

Today's lesson 

Meet at the library.

I have smart shared 2 documents with you they are in your English folder. Both of these tasks need to be completed today in this period.
You will be working with the same partner.

One of the tasks is a language skills task, called Key Language Skills the instructions are at the top of the document.

The second task is the quick quiz on Chapter 3, from 'The Road to Winter' that will need to be completed. Put this into your novel study folder.

The key terms you will then begin to work on are;

What is a refugee?
What causes people to become refugees?
What  are asylum seekers?
What is a detention center?
What is an off shore camp?

The book is set in Australia, see if you can found out about these issues in this country.
What are they dealing with?