Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Exploring The Importance of Setting in the Novel: The Road to Winter.

Tuesday 23 May

Wednesday 24 May's  Learning.

Today we are going to begin to map out the range of settings in the novel 'The Road to Winter'. The physical landscape, the sea, the river, as well as the flora and fauna and the weather are an essential part of the novel. The interactions between humans and their surroundings add to the power of the story.

LI: We are learning to identify and describe the range of settings  in the novel, and explain how they impact on the characters and the events in the novel.

SC: I can identify the different settings and add detail to my descriptions.
SC: I can identify a quote that supports my descriptions for each of the important settings in the novel
SC: I can explain the impact of the setting on the main characters and events in the novel.

Working with your partner, you will both create a Coggle, where you will begin to map out all the main places and aspects of setting that make up the novel.

You will add supporting detail, page numbers, quotes and detail about how this setting impacts on the characters and events in the novel.

Be prepared to skim and scan through the book to build up a detailed Coggle.

We will start with Angowrie, where Finn lives, the river mouth, the ocean,  Longely, Ray's place.

Each of these places is really important in the novel and Finn knows them well. We will be developing our understanding of how the setting contributes to the survival of Rose, Finn, Willow and Kas.

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