Saturday, May 6, 2017

Key Terms: Definitions from Rose's Story. Chapter 3.

Sunday May 7.

Monday 8 May's Lesson

Do Now Activity.

Answer the following questions in a brief paragraph.
They are all focused on Chapter 3, so go back and skim read.

What do Finn and Rose have in common?
How is Rose's attachment to Kas made clear?
How do you know that Beth really thought of Kas and Rose as her girls?

Today we are going to investigate some of the key terms  that Rose's story in Chapter raises.

You will have an opportunity to work with your partner to research using the internet what these terms mean, as the novel is set in Australia, we are going to limit our investigation of these issues to Australia.

LI:We are learning to explore and investigate the key issues raised in Rose's story, chapter 3.

SC: I can work with my partner to research and select an appropriate text  that we can read and understand.
SC: I can write a brief summary about the key issues.

These are the questions we are going to research to broaden our knowledge about this issue

What is a refugee?
What causes people to become refugees?
What  are asylum seekers?
What is a detention center?
What is an off shore camp?

The book is set in Australia, see if you can found out about these issues in this country.
What are they dealing with?

Evaluation from Friday's lesson and partner work.

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